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Password Reset

Click on the Forgot Password link to reset your password

Enter either your registered email address or assigned MLS ID in the space provided then click Send Recovery Mail.

A Reset Code will be sent to your registered email address. Do not close the opened dialogue box as you will input the sent code in the space to reset your password. If you close the dialogue box before you reset your password, you will have to go through the process again.

The Reset Code Sent to your email to be copied

Paste the code in the field provided and click Go to Reset Password



Ensure you copy the code into the assigned space without including space or any other character. Once this is done, you will be given an option to change your password.

Your password should contain a minimum  of 8 characters including alphabets and numbers. Once successful you will get a notification that you have reset you password successfully.

Password Reset
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Click on the Registration Button to get started at Button

Enter your details on the Registration page then click on proceed.(Input SPACE,DASH – or DOT . in the middle name slot if you do not have a middle name)Input your details

Set your profile password. It has to be a minimum of 8 characters consisting of alphabets and numbers.Set password

Your Registration will be reviewed. You have a maximum of 48 hours to review your submission and write for assistance in case you notice any error. If you did not get the registration notification mail, your submitted details are probably wrong.Registration Notification.

Check your mail (including spam folder) for the Registration Notification Mail titled: YOUR MEMBERSHIP PROFILE IS UNDERGOING REVIEW

50% Completion Mail


Submitted profiles are reviewed in timely manner. You are encouraged to be patient and wait for a response from the admin.

Once your profile is successfully verified you will get a mail containing your MLS ID. titled Registration Complete

Registration Complete Mail


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