AMLSN was formed to further the public interest by encouraging the study, advancing and improving the practice of Medical Laboratory Science.
To achieve this, the Association shall:
- Establish standards for education and training in medical laboratory science.
- Encourage the creation, promotion and maintenance of standard in the practice of medical laboratory science.
- Encourage Medical Laboratory Scientists to pursue further studies and to engage in scientific investigations.
- Promote knowledge of medical laboratory science through meetings, seminars, discussions, reports and publications.
- Initiates and participates in programmes related to the field of medical laboratory science.
- Harness the resources, rights, privileges and opportunities accruing to Medical Laboratory Scientists and ensuring that such rights, privileges, opportunities and resources are applied for the collective benefit of the public in equity, justice and fairness.
- Promote understanding amongst the various health professionals based on equity, mutual respect and shared beneficial historical past.
- Mobilize Medical Laboratory Scientists towards self actualization through the development of talents and creative application of skills.
- Pursue such other goals as may be in the collective interest of all Medical Laboratory Scientists and the Nigerian public.
- Provide a professional association for registered Medical Laboratory Scientists practicing in Nigeria.
- Uphold the professional code of conduct as laid down by the regulatory body – the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria (MLSCN).
- Assist and protect all members and officials of the Association whose interests and lives may be endangered by reason of their service and or membership of the Association.